Saturday was Unshelved's sixth anniversary. And what a year it was!
- We travelled a record amount, speaking and exhibiting at thirteen meetings & conferences around the country. And even though we said "this is too much!" we are now scheduled to travel even more this year.
- We challenged Dave Kellett to see who could come up with a funnier week's worth of strips on that most unpromising of subjects, the plastic coffee cup lid. You decide who won, Unshelved or Sheldon.
- We teamed up with Book Expo America to promote their 2007 conference with an all-new Unshelved comic book, What Would Dewey Do @ BEA (requires Adobe Reader).
- We debuted our new Unshelved logo.
- We published our fifth collection, Read Responsibly, as well as several new t-shirts, bumper stickers, and a very popular messenger bag.
- We hit strip #2000.
- Our second Pimp My Bookcart contest brought in over 140 entries from around the world. And our sponsor Highsmith provided book carts and gift certificates to the talenteed winners.
- And, of course, this was the year that Bill made Unshelved his day job, bringing joy to his day and uncertainty to his family's finances.
As always we are grateful to you, our fantastic readers, for making all this possible. You buy our books and merchandise, invite us to speak, tell your friends, patronize our sponsors, send us your stories, and, most importantly, read our strip. Thank you, and let's have six more years, shall we?