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Buddy and the Bible

Some email today from people new to the strip asking why the Bible is in the hands of the cartoon animal. Please read our primer - Buddy is a human in a Beaver outfit. He's a very sweet guy, in many ways the heart and soul of our little cast. He has his issues, but who doesn't? It's not intended as a slam against Christians, we promise.

Welcome FlyLady

Today we welcome the hundreds of thousands of loyal FlyLady fans who are visiting our site courtesy of a mention of today's strip on her mailing list. Due to the influx of visitors our site is v e r y  s l o w so please be patient and try again later if things don't work so well. The primer tells you what you need to know to appreciate our brand of humor. Today's strip is part of our upcoming collection, What Would Dewey Do?, now available for preorder in our store. Welcome!

P.S. Why did we mention her book? Because my wife is a huge FlyLady fan and Tamara, Mallville's resident clean freak, would of course be one too

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