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Steaming Mad

Up until an hour ago I thought this whole sad cow shirt debacle was going to have a relatively happy ending. Our customers were being good sports, our printer was going to replace the defective shirts, and all we'd be out was the (not incidental) cost of shipping them out, along with all the time spent. But it was not to be. Without going too far in to the gorey details, suffice to say our printer won't be replacing the shirts after all. And that means that the Seattle Print Shop won't be printing any more merchandise for us, period. Due to a series of errors and communication mishaps we had been thinking hard about jumping ship, but this was very much the last straw. My desire to recommend those guys had been shrinking with every transaction, but it's gone now. Be warned.

As for us, we are going to be out of pocket the better part of a thousand dollars due to someone else's mistake. So let this be a warning to all of you considering the merchandising business. It's ugly.

And maybe the worst part for me is that today I was going to put together our holiday merchandise line. Not only did I not get to it, but now I just kind of want to quit altogether. And that means the world would never have a chance to see these.

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