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A Few More Days

We have decided that any order received by this Friday will be shipped out on Monday the 6th. So if you thought you had missed the Xmas deadline you have a reprieve. Order!

Actually, Go West

You'd think that it would be quick to move around in the Northeast, what with all those tiny states with cities all crowded together. But it turns out that those autumnally decorated roads are packed with a lot of cars. And so our trip involved a lot of pacifying our children in the back seat while drivers a mile ahead rubbernecked at an overturned van.

We did, however, have an otherwise successful trip. Theo's reevaluation went splendidly - FHC head Matthew Newell predicts he and Sara only have another year of work before he's neurologically well by every metrics. Very exciting. If you have a child with neurological issues small (reading or speaking problems) to large (autism, cerebral palsy), I can't recommend FHC enough. They don't just help hurt kids. They make them well.

We did also squeeze in turkey with family in Connecticut and lox with friends in Boston. Apologies to the northeasternly friends we missed on this trip. It was fast and furious. We'll be back.

Oh, and I met fans! Theresa and Barbara at my parent's library, the Lyme Public Library, kept the doors open a little late so they could meet this visiting celebrity, such as I am. Hopefully I'll come back to speak at a CLA conference next year!

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