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Shirts and stuff

We had planned another big preorder of shirts, but we are instead taking a break. Between preparing Unshelved Volume 1.1 and moving houses I just don't have time to do the legwork. We are also looking into a new shirt printer, and that will take time.

Meanwhile we have a bunch of shirts we'd be happy to sell you today, though we are running out of some color-size combinations. In particular, we are down to our last few Read Responsibly t-shirts in Small, Mad (About Reading) Cow t-shirts in Red Small and Green every size, and What Would Dewey Do t-shirts in Large. This is why we are shifting to preorders. Maintaining different-size inventory is pretty much impossible.

Tongue Tied

Okay, I have no idea what language this blog post referencing our strip is. Anyone know? Anyone care to translate? Let me know.

Followup: Looks like Icelandic. Still awaiting a translator...

Followup: Oli Gneisti, the author of said blog contacted me. The entry in question asks what Dewey number you'd be, and volunteered that he'd be 133. He goes on to note that the Reykjavik city library uses an outdated Danish version of Dewey. And that the strip was inspired in part by our strip. Thanks for writing, Oli!

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