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Today my thoughts are with London, my old home.

We moved around a lot when I was growing up. At fifteen we moved from the New York City suburbs, where if I wanted to go somewhere I needed to be driven, to London. I tried the public transportation system and fell in love. Quick, easy, and safe movement to and from school, friends' homes, movies, plays, museums... I tasted freedom and I loved it.

Cities are incredibly efficient but, as was reinforced today, that efficiency extends to the ability to kill large numbers of people at once. Just weeks after we moved to London there were a string of IRA bombings, including one just blocks from where we lived. After that the government started cracking down on security. I particularly remember when garbage cans disappeared from public spaces. It was a grim reminder that the most banal things can become fatal. I can't even imagine what steps will be taken in light of today's bombings.

London is an old city and it will survive this assault as it has many others. Attacks aimed at civilians are the great tragedy of our time, but I am cautiously optimistic that as a people we will move beyond them. Meanwhile we will continue to do what we do best - help people laugh at themselves.

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