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We're very pleased to announce that a selection of Unshelved books and merchandise is now available at the Seattle Public Library FriendShop, a retail space within the award-winning downtown branch, a destination for Seattle residents and tourists alike. Buy stuff there and the profits will go to the Friends of the Seattle Public Library to help, you know, pay for library stuff.

If you're interested in selling our goods to raise money for your library, please drop us a line.

Sixteen Thousand

16,000 people is a lot of people, especially to all be receiving email delivery of our little comic strip (well, hypothetically, since this week there's nothing being delivered due to our impromptu vacation). With strips served up via the web & RSS feed we're looking at a total readership of over 32,000. Viva la Internet, and keep on telling your friends!

This Unshelved strip

can be shared with this link.

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