We've added a lot of new readers lately. Welcome! It seems as good a time as any for a quick introduction to all things Unshelved:
- Unshelved is a daily comic strip set in a public library, written by a real librarian. It's "Cheers with books".
- We have over 35,000 daily readers from all walks of life, so if you think it's funny you're not crazy. Or if you are crazy at least you're not alone.
- It's not syndicated in any newspaper. That's so 20th century.
- You can sign up for free daily or weekly email delivery. We also have RSS and LiveJournal feeds.
- There's a primer introducing most of the main characters.
- Every Sunday we recommend a new book in what we call the Unshelved Book Club.
- We've been doing this for over 5 years. The full archives are available online.
- Don't miss our brand new downloadable comic What Would Dewey Do @ Book Expo America?
- We have a bustling online store featuring lots of reader-friendly merchandise.
- There are four published Unshelved collections with a fifth one on the way. These are available at our store as well as your favorite book store, comic shop, and, of course, library.
- Each week is sponsored by a different company. Write for more information on sponsorships.
- We love your feedback. Write with your comments and questions!
Again, you're all very welcome here at Casa Unshelved. Enjoy your stay!