To celebrate the many students starting or returning to library school this week and next, our library schooled shirt are $5 off until September 15th. Enjoy!
So I guess someone named Frank Beddor wrote a series of books updating Alice in Wonderland? And they've stormed through the bestseller lists? And everyone has heard of them except me?
Anyway, the good folks at Diamond want you to know that he, Liz Cavalier, and artist extraordinaire Ben Templesmith have put together a companion graphic novel. It looks bee-you-tiful and I can't wait to read it myself.
In today's strip we reveal that Sanjay, Merv's friend (and The Shusher's sidekick Whisper), is to be homeschooled. I've been meaning to write this sequence forever, and finally got around to it. It seems very appropos, since it feels like we, as a homeschooling family, use libraries to an absurd degree.
A hysterical incident Saturday involving limes yielded my third (3rd) hand injury since starting Unshelved. Hooray! The result is an incomplete strip for Sunday. Since I'd already drawn Monday's I'm sending it out, and will go back and finish Sunday's later today. Confusing? You bet!
P.S. Thanks to all my Twitter friends who kept me virtual company in the E.R. on Saturday. I never felt alone.
Update: It's up. Thank you for your patience!
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