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Cartooning Workshop in Puyallup

I have completely forgotten to mention that I'll be giving a workshop at the Puyallup Public Library this Wednesday from 3pm-5pm. It's called "Cartooning in the 21st Century". I'll start off showing how every book about how to become a cartoonist has become instantly obsolete. Then I'll provide some updated information, pretty much telling the story of how we made a successful business out of Unshelved. Then I'll finish with a workshop on creating a comic, hopefully using the ideas of the participants. Mostly talking with a little drawing, open to everyone!

Pimp My Bookcart 2009

No one is more surprised than we to find out what a big piece of library culture we created back in 2006. It was just a funny idea Gene had, a parody of MTV's "Pimp My Ride". But our readers ran with it and created some of the most amazing pieces of art. Every year we think it's finally run it's course, and every year the submissions are a new and wonderful kind of awesome.

So we're happily surprised to find ourselves announcing Unshelved's Pimp My Bookcart 2009, again generously sponsored by Smith System, makers of fine book carts.

We know, we know - the name can be a little contentious in some communities. But we don't care what you call it. Just whip up a program that lets kids and/or teenagers apply their creative skills, and we'll show off the results to the world.

Do us a favor - pass it on. Not everyone reads our blog, and we want to make sure every school, library, and bookstore in the country, nay, the world has a chance to participate. Let's make this year's contest the biggest and best ever!

iKids Downloadable Audiobooks

We're sponsored again this week by Ingram Library Services, this time here to tell you about their iKids line of downloadable audiobook products. Sign up for more information and visit booth #2446 at ALA where they'll be giving demos every hour on the hour, and handing out free iKids tote bags to everyone who comes to watch!

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