Unshelved Answers is ending. The last day it will be available is Monday, April 11th.
When we first heard we could create our own StackExchange site, we jumped on it. We envisioned Answers as a place where librarians could ask one another for help and share their expertise. But just as things were taking off, StackExchange changed their business model. (Answers users have applied for a replacement site but so far have not succeeded.) They gave us a year to get our affairs in order, and now the time has come to say goodbye.
Bill and I would like to thank everyone who used Answers. You helped Bill find an old book he loved. You helped us figure out what to ask Nancy Pearl during last year’s BEA interview. But more importantly, you helped each other, and it was great to both witness and be a part of.
We’ll do a dump of the full database and make it available for download as soon as possible. We hope someone will do something cool with it.